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15th Oct 2022

Carpet Cleaners - How to Keep Your Carpets Looking New (Even with Pets)

Using a carpet cleaner on a regular basis can extend the life of your carpets and keep them looking like new for longer.

It can also improve indoor air quality by removing dirt, dust, and allergens from carpet fibres.

In this blog post, we will answer some FAQs about carpet cleaning and offer tips on how to keep your carpets looking their best.

Let’s get to it!

carpet cleaner

How carpet cleaner’s work

Carpet cleaners use a combination of agitation, hot water, and special cleaning solutions to break up dirt and grime within carpet fibres.

The dirty water is then extracted from the carpet using powerful suction.

Some carpet cleaners also have an additional step of using steam or heat to further sanitise the carpets.

Regular cleaning can not only improve the appearance of your carpets but also help remove allergens and extend the life of your carpet.

It is recommended to have your carpets cleaned every 12-18 months.


Why carpet cleaning is important

There are many reasons why carpet cleaning is important.

Carpets can trap dust, pollen, and other allergens that can cause respiratory problems.


In addition, carpets can absorb spills and stains, which can lead to the growth of mould and mildew.

Cleaning helps to remove these contaminants from your home, improving air quality and making it easier to keep your carpets looking new.

Furthermore, regular carpet cleaning can extend the life of your carpets by preventing permanent damage from dirt, grime, and spills.


How to clean carpets using a carpet cleaner

Many people think that cleaning carpets is a difficult and time-consuming task.

However, this does not have to be the case if you have the right tools and know the proper steps to take.

A carpet cleaner can make your life much easier by helping you to remove dirt, stains, and other debris from your carpets quickly and easily.

Each carpet cleaner is different and may have unique features, so it is important to read the instructions for yours first.

However, the general steps for using a carpet cleaner are as follows:


1: Vaccum your carpets thoroughly

This will help to remove any surface dirt and debris that could potentially damage your carpet fibres.

Be sure to vacuum in both directions (back and forth) to ensure that all dirt is removed.

vacuuming dirty carpet


2: Add water and a cleaning solution

Fill your carpet cleaner with water and the appropriate amount of carpet cleaning solution.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when adding the solution to the water.


3: Start Cleaning

Begin cleaning your carpets from one end of the room to the other.

Overlap each pass so that you do not miss any spots.

Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and areas where there are visible stains

cleaning carpets


4: Empty out the dirty water

Once you have finished cleaning, empty the dirty water from your carpet cleaner and refill it with clean water.

Make another pass over your carpets to rinse away any residual dirt or cleaning solution.


5: Let your carpets dry

If you are using a decent carpet cleaner, it should suck up most of the water.

However, it is still important to allow your carpets to dry completely.

This may take several hours, depending on the type of carpet you have and the temperature/humidity level in your home.

You could speed up the process by heating your home, opening windows or using fans to improve air circulation.

Cleaning carpets does not have to be a daunting task.

By following these simple steps, you can use a carpet cleaner to achieve professional-looking results quickly and easily.



Who rents carpet cleaners

If you're in need of a carpet cleaner, there are a few different options available to you.

You could either buy one for yourself or rent one.

Many high street stores, such as hardware or supermarkets, offer carpet cleaner rentals.

These can be a convenient option as they are often affordable and readily available.

The brand Rug Doctor is a popular carpet cleaner, and their machines can be rented from stores such as Tesco, B&Q and Homebase.

Another option is HSS Hire, who offer a Karcher model from their website or in-store locations.

Cleaner rental will usually cost between £20-50 for a day.

However, you should also factor in cleaning solution and any additional fees that may apply.

Some professional cleaning companies also offer carpet cleaner rentals, often with the option to add on additional services.


How much does it cost to buy a carpet cleaner

if you'd prefer to buy your own carpet cleaner, the cost will vary depending on the brand and model.

Entry-level machines can start at around £50-100, while high-end professional models can cost upwards of £500.

It's important to consider not only the initial cost of the machine but also the cost of replacement parts and cleaning solution.

The price may also vary based on the features and capabilities of the machine, such as adjustable water pressure and heated cleaning.

Before purchasing a carpet cleaner, it's a good idea to do some research and read reviews to ensure that it will meet your cleaning needs.

read reviews

You may also want to consider renting or borrowing a carpet cleaner first, to see if it's something you'll use frequently enough to justify the cost of buying one.


Carpet cleaning for pets

If you have pets in the home, then using a carpet cleaner is a great way to keep your carpets looking fresh and clean.

Pets can track in dirt, and insects and on the occasion have accidents on the carpet.

Some common pet owner FAQs and tips are as follows:


Will carpet cleaners kill fleas

Carpet cleaners are effective at killing fleas, but they are not the only method that should be used to control an infestation.

Flea eggs can survive in the environment for several months, so it is important to take steps to prevent re-infestation.

Carpet cleaners can help to reduce the number of fleas in your home, but they should be used in conjunction with other methods such as vacuuming, dusting, and treating pet bedding.

By taking a comprehensive approach to flea control, you can reduce the risk of bites and future infestations.



Will carpet cleaning remove urine smell

It's inevitable- accidents happen, and sometimes that means pet urine on the carpet.

The good news is that most carpet cleaners will be able to remove the urine smell from your carpet.

However, there are a few things you can do to increase your chance of success. First, be sure to clean the area as soon as possible.

The longer the urine stays on the carpets, the harder it will be to remove the smell.

If you can, then use hot water with your carpet cleaner (check instructions if you can do this with your carpet cleaner).

This will help to break down the urine molecules and make them easier to remove.

Finally, be sure to use a high-quality carpet cleaner that is designed for removing pet stains and odours.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to get rid of that pesky urine smell for good!

bad smell of pet urine on carpet


How to remove pet hair from your carpets

If you're a pet owner, you know that one of the most challenging parts of keeping your home clean is dealing with all the pet hair.

Conventional carpet cleaners will do a good job of collecting pet hairs, but there are a few things you can do to make sure they get most up.

First, vacuum the area thoroughly before starting the cleaning process.

Next, use a pre-treatment solution on the carpet before running the cleaner over it.

This will help to loosen up any pet hair that is embedded in the fibres.

Finally, be sure to run the cleaner over the area multiple times to ensure that all the pet hair is removed.

If your pet regularly sheds or causes stains, you may also want to consider investing in a carpet cleaner designed for this purpose.

For example some models from the company Bissell, feature specialist heads with powerful suction and brushes that are designed to collect pet hairs.

pet hair in carpet


Final thought

We hope that this article has helped shed some light on the various considerations and benefits of using a carpet cleaner.

Plus given you a guide on how to use one effectively.

If your carpets are beyond cleaning, then why not consider installing new carpets?

Here at Leightons, we have a range of carpets from budget to luxury.

Browse our website or pop into one of our showrooms for more information, a free estimate and advice from our friendly team.

Thank you for reading!

510 – 520 Hessle Road
01482 326590
Mon – Fri 9.00am – 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Belprin Park, Swinemoor Lane
HU17 0LN
01482 326590
Mon – Fri 9.00am – 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm
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